
Montana Front Pages: Public Lands Matter

Government and Politics

April 26, 2024

Sheehy’s public lands transfer plan is deeply unpopular in Montana

Helena, MT – Front pages across Montana are emphasizing a new poll showing overwhelming support for public lands in Montana – which spells trouble for Transplant Tim Sheehy and his call to transfer public lands.

The poll revealed that 83% of Montanans believe public lands help the state’s economy and that conservation issues are a factor they consider at the polls. The poll results showed that “71% of Republicans, 84% of Independents, and 98% of Democrats said conservation was important to them when choosing whom to vote for,” making public lands a uniquely bipartisan issue.

Montanans won’t forget that Sheehy called for transferring public lands to states and counties and they will hold him accountable for this toxic policy in November.

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