
Moving Alaska Forward-Dunleavy Administration Releases FY24 Budget

Government and Politics

December 15, 2022

From: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy

Moving Alaska Forward-Dunleavy Administration Releases FY24 Budget

Governor Mike Dunleavy’s Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) budget kicks off his second term in office by charting a new course for Alaska on resource development, energy production, public health and economic growth. It fully funds public education, the Alaska Marine Highway System, and Power Cost Equalization while still retiring millions of dollars in debt. The budget also continues to invest in public safety and leverages incoming federal infrastructure funds to the maximum extent possible. Funding is also included for a bold new initiative to market Alaska as more than just a tourist destination – a destination for American and international businesses seeking out new opportunities to grow their bottom line and diversify the state economy.

The Governor’s commitment to a statutory PFD is represented in this budget. His FY24 budget calls for a full statutory PFD payment in 2023 to every eligible Alaskan.

As a result of Governor Dunleavy’s commitment to not raise state spending substantially, the FY24 budget has a 4% reduction in the operating budget UGF compared to the FY 2019 operating budget.

“This budget is a starting point for discussions into what Alaska will look like over the next four years and the next 50 years,” said Governor Dunleavy. “The budget we are forwarding to the incoming legislature builds on the progress we made together in my first term with practical investments that make Alaska safer, increase our self-reliance with sustainable energy production, food security and much more. Alaska’s future is bright, if we continue working together on policies that will make the most positive impact in our lives and create new opportunities for the next generation of Alaskans.”

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