
New Column Slams Gianforte for Montana’s Healthcare Crisis

Government and Politics

May 20, 2024

MDP Executive Director Sheila Hogan: “Layoffs mean more wait times, less access, and a decrease in quality of care. The increased uninsured rate means we’re all paying more through the cost shift.”

Helena, MT – In a new column, Montana Democratic Party Executive Director Sheila Hogan highlights the ripple effects of Governor Greg Gianforte’s healthcare crisis and his disastrous handling of the state’s Medicaid redetermination process.

After a loss of more than $3 million in Medicaid revenue for this fiscal year, RiverStone Health, the state’s largest community health provider, was forced to lay off 9% of their workforce and reduce their budget. 

Gianforte’s healthcare crisis is not only kicking tens of thousands of Montana kids, seniors, and Native Americans off their health insurance, but it’s also costing jobs and stretching the state’s healthcare system thin.

Read more about Gianforte’s healthcare crisis below:

MissoulianGianforte’s health care crisis hits a new low amid RiverStone Health layoffs
May 20, 2024
Sheila Hogan, Montana Democratic Party Executive Director

Recent news surrounding budget cuts and layoffs at RiverStone Health are highlighting the ripple effects of Governor Greg Gianforte and the Department of Public Health and Human Services’ (DPHHS) disastrous handling of the state’s Medicaid redetermination process.

RiverStone Health is Yellowstone County’s community health center and provides services including dental, medical, and behavioral health services on a pay-what-you-can sliding scale. 

Last week, RiverStone Health reported a loss of more than $3 million in Medicaid revenue for this fiscal year, forcing the state’s largest public health provider to lay off 29 employees (or 9% of their workforce) and reduce their budget.

People are now losing their jobs because of Gianforte’s mishandling of the Medicaid redetermination process, and we’re seeing these administrative failures send shockwaves through the entire state’s healthcare system.

This isn’t the first time. Nearly 135,000 Montanans (including roughly 36,000 children) were kicked off their health insurance during Gianforte’s Medicaid redetermination process. 70 percent of the Montanans who had their coverage terminated under Montana Medicaid and Healthy Montana Kids were kicked off for administrative reasons, not because they were ineligible. 

The cost to Montana families of Gianforte’s mismanagement has been staggering, to say the least –  now we’re learning it’s also bad for business and destabilizing Montana’s healthcare system.

RiverStone Health said they had seen a drastic decline in the number of enrolled Medicaid patients, even though most patients still qualified.  The uncompensated care of these uninsured patients drove RiverStone Health into the red, impacting “the livelihood of both our patients and our staff”. 

Gianforte’s administrative failures aren’t just affecting Montana’s most vulnerable and those covered by Medicaid – this is affecting all of us.

Layoffs mean more wait times, less access, and a decrease in quality of care. The increased uninsured rate means we’re all paying more through the cost shift.

While I’m confident that staff at RiverStone Health will continue to provide the best care they can for their patients, staff and medical professionals will no doubt feel the strain from these forced cuts. Other community health agencies, clinics and medical centers across the state – rural and urban, are also at risk. 

A few months ago, Gianforte told reporters the redetermination process was, “working as intended”.

At-risk patients. Fewer jobs. Higher costs. And more red tape. 

It’s time for a reassessment, Governor.