
Purple Up! For Military Kids

Government and Politics

April 14, 2023

From: Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy

WHEREAS, many brave Alaskans serve in the United States military, and military members sacrifice time with their families to protect the security and freedom of our great nation; and

WHEREAS, Alaskans recognize and commend the children in our communities who show courage, strength, and resilience as their family members in uniform serve our country so that we may live free; and

WHEREAS, approximately 1.6 million children have at least one parent serving in the Armed Forces, and the children of military men and women face unique challenges and need the support of their communities to help them succeed; and

WHEREAS, while our military members are working for a safer America, we must help care for their children, and so the Month of the Military Child pays tribute to military children for their commitment, sacrifices, and unconditional support of our troops and their parents; and

WHEREAS, April 14, 2023 is “Purple Up! For Military Kids” and all Alaskans are encouraged to wear purple – the color symbolizing all branches of the military – as a visible show of support and appreciation of military children.

NOW THEREFORE, I, Mike Dunleavy, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ALASKA, do hereby proclaim April 2023 as:

Month of the Military Child

and April 14, 2023 as:

Purple Up! For Military Kids

in Alaska, and encourage all Alaskans to show appreciation, support, and understanding for the military children in our communities.