
Speaker Emerita Pelosi: ‘Nevada will Lead Us to Victory in November’

Government and Politics

May 21, 2024

The Nevada State Democratic Party hosted the final step in our delegate selection process at the MGM Grand where Democrats from across Nevada gathered to elect delegates to represent Nevada at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi and DNC Chair Jaime Harrison headlined NV Dems’ 2024 First in the West state convention and Speaker Emerita made clear that Nevada will lead the nation to victory in November. 

Last month the state party hosted Delegate Election Meetings (DEMs) across Nevada where attendees elected delegates to the state convention. DEMs are the second step in the Nevada State Democratic Party’s Presidential preference process and included holding 42 Assembly district level events across the state on Saturday, April 13th. In February, Nevada hosted the First in the West Presidential Preference Primary, in which Nevada Democrats surpassed the 2008 caucus turnout record, with more than 134,000 voters.

See additional coverage from NV Dems State Convention below: 


KTVN: Nevada Democrats Host State Convention in Las Vegas

  • Nevada Democrats held their state convention this weekend at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. The state party elected 49 delegates and three alternate delegates to attend the Democratic National Convention, which will be held in Chicago from August 19 to 22. Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and DNC Chair Jaime Harrison headlined the high-profile event, which hosted every member of the Nevada Democrats’ federal congressional delegation.

  • The goal is to energize Nevada voters to re-elect President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris this November. During Pelosi’s speech, she said, “Nevada will lead us to victory.” Pelosi also added that Nevada Democrats should not be deterred by a recent New York Times poll showing Biden trailing former President Trump by 13 points in Nevada.

  • The Nevada GOP held its state convention two weeks ago in Lake Tahoe, but it was closed to the press.

Las Vegas Sun: Pelosi: ‘Nevada will lead us to victory in November’

Key points: 

  • Former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn’t hold back when discussing Nevada’s importance in the push to keep President Joe Biden in the White House.

  • “Nevada is central — Nevada will lead us to victory in November,” Pelosi said Saturday at the MGM Grand during the Nevada Democratic Convention.

  • Nevada is one of the six swing states that will likely decide the presidential race between Biden and former President Donald Trump. The Democrat has won the past four presidential elections in Nevada, but it’s been close — Biden in 2020 beat Trump by about 30,000 votes in the Silver State.

  • Democrats at the convention dismissed Republicans as being out-of-touch to the state’s true interests.

  • “[…]If they could see all of you here, feel the commitment and excitement, they would know,” U.S. Rep. Dina Titus said during the event.

  • Speakers at the event, including U.S. Reps. Susie Lee and Steven Horsford, highlighted the party’s goals, such protecting women reproductive rights in the state and country.

  • “The same forces behind the lawsuit that brought the Supreme Court decision to end Roe are trying to pass a federal ban on abortion and deny women the freedom to make their own health care decisions about everybody, including for contraception,” Horsford said.

  • Party leadership said they are united here and will work together over the next few months to keep Biden in office.

  • “Nevada’s a battleground state, it always has been a battleground state, and we’re battle-tested,” said party Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno, the party’s chairwoman.

The Dispatch wrote

“[President Biden] has one unmistakable advantage: a sophisticated voter turnout operation that is fully funded and fully staffed with enthusiastic volunteers already knocking on doors and making phone calls to targeted voters. As we’ve reported, the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign have yet to deploy a ground game in Nevada or anywhere else—yet. The urgency of maintaining this edge was an underlying theme in a series of Democratic officials’ pep rally-style speeches to the Nevada convention.”