
Statement from Governor Phil Scott on Veterans Day

Government and Politics

November 11, 2022

From: Vermont Governor Phil Scott

Statement from Governor Phil Scott on Veterans Day

Montpelier, Vt. - Governor Phil Scott today issued the following statement:

“Today we honor the thousands of Vermonters – and millions of Americans – who have dedicated so much in service of our nation. As the son of a World War II veteran who was severely injured in France after D-Day, I know the sacrifice the brave men and women of our armed forces make, and the risks they take, to serve our country and the values we represent. There is no service more noble than those who are willing to put themselves on the line so that we can live free and safe here at home.

“Although on Veterans Day we give special attention to our nation’s heroes, we should thank those who served every day. If not for them, we would not enjoy the liberties we share today as Americans.”