
Town Of Old Lyme : Weekly Update From The First Selectman - December 8, 2022

Government and Politics

December 9, 2022

From: Town of Old Lyme

Recognizing our Champions of Recycling
Old Lyme’s Solid Waste & Recycling Committee welcomes town residents to stop by the Thank You reception for TREX volunteers and other local Champions of Recycling TONIGHT, Dec. 8, from 4 – 6 pm, in the Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library Community Room. Come enjoy holiday treats, get ideas of how you can reduce your household waste over the holidays and all year, and pick up a recycling reminder bookmark created by LOL High School freshman students. Help us thank to the parents who help Lyme-Old Lyme Schools students compete in the annual TREX Challenge. Region 18 schools have participated in the contest for many years, keeping plastic bags out of the waste stream and earning awards for pounds of plastic collected. Students bring recyclable plastic films to the schools, the adults weigh and deliver these to Big Y, a TREX collection point, and the plastic is turned in to composite outdoor furniture, decking and other uses. For more information about Old Lyme recycling, see https://www.oldlyme-ct.gov/solid-waste-recycling-committee

Photography Exhibit at the Town Hall
The Lymes' Senior Center is proud to announce the first annual exhibit of the center's Photography Club at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall. The show runs throughout the month of December and the photos can be seen during Town Hall hours, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You are invited to drop by and enjoy the "best shots" of nearly 20 of our members, some of which are for sale.

Holiday Enchantment & Tree Lighting
Saturday, December 10, from 3 – 6 p.m. at the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts
There will be a host of activities including a musical performance by the Old Lyme Band and caroling starting at 4:00 p.m., followed by a tree lighting ceremony. More information at: https://lymeacademy.edu/

Welcome New Town Staff Members
We are pleased to announce the hiring of two new staff members. Caitlin Perkins is the new part-time assistant to the director of the Lymes’ Senior Center, and Sonia Greenhagen is our new part-time human resources coordinator.

Town of Old Lyme – Open Positions
The Town is accepting applications for two part-time positions: Tax Clerk Assistant and Social Services Coordinator. Please use this link to learn more about these positions. Applications are due by Friday, December 23rd.

Tim Griswold, First Selectman