
Town of Shrewsbury News Rodent Control

Government and Politics

July 14, 2022

From: Town of Shrewsbury

Rats have become an increasing problem in multiple communities in Massachusetts over the last several years. Rat infestations are a public health issue since rats can destroy and contaminate food and other household materials. Rats and their fleas may also transmit viruses, bacteria and parasites to humans. Everyone must do their part to control the problem.

What you can do to help prevent and address a rat problem in your neighborhood:

Learn about Rats:

The Norway Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) is the most common rat in the North East Region. These rats are heavy set, light brown to almost black. Their droppings are capsule shaped, about three quarters of an inch long.

Rats generally live for one year at which time they can have six to twelve "pups" per litter, up to seven times a year!

Rats burrow in the ground, under buildings and rubbish; usually living well within 150 feet of food and water sources.

Rats require roughly one ounce of food a day and a half ounce of water. They feed habitually on familiar food, preferring meats and grains, and are cautious of new items or new food.

Rats can jump up to three feet and climb wires and pipes very well. Keep doors and windows screened with half-inch mesh hardware cloth.

They can gnaw through plastic, wood, soft metals, wire, and even cinderblock and brick.

Rats can squeeze into the tiniest of spaces.

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