
Town of Southwick : Focus Group Discussion - Cultural and Historical Resources

Government and Politics

January 24, 2023

From: Town of Southwick

The Southwick Master Plan Advisory Committee will be convening a Focus Group to discuss the topic of Cultural and Historic Resources and the future needs of the Town on Thursday, January 26, 2023 at  3:00pm in the Land Use Hearing Room at the Southwick Town Hall, 454 College Highway, Southwick, Massachusetts. The discussion will be held in a hybrid format to allow for in-person and online participation (via Zoom). 

Although the primary participants in each group have been identified by the Master Plan Advisory Committee, there will be an opportunity at the end of each session for members of the public who are attending to provide comments and suggestions on the topic area discussed.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 899 2981 4337
Passcode: 325647
Telephone Access: (929) 205-6099
Please contact the Town Planner, Jon Goddard, via email at [email protected] or by phone at (413) 569-6056 with any questions.