
Town of Southwick - Friends Of The Library Annual Basket Raffle

Government and Politics

October 13, 2022

From: Town of Southwick

The Friends are seeking gift baskets for the annual basket raffle! Please click here for information on submission dates and click here for the instructions and paperwork.

The Friends of the Southwick Public Library is a 501(c)3 non-profit created in 1993 to support the needs and visions of the library. The fundraising efforts of the FSLP helps to sponsor children, teen, and adult programs. The FSPL has also helped purchase such items as museum passes and the flatscreen TV in the community room. Meetings are held monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm (please call ahead to confirm). All are welcome to attend.

To see what we're up to, find the Friends of the Southwick Public Library on Facebook.

Click here to join or renew your membership. Print out the document and mail or drop it by the library. Thank you for your support!