
Town Of Westminster - Recycling Collection Schedule Update: Effective February 6, 2023

Government and Politics

January 20, 2023

From: Town Of Westminster

Waste Management (WM) will be adding another recycling collection day and new routes to the Town’s pick-up schedule. Currently, WM collects recyclables in Town on Thursday and Friday. To bring stability to recycling collection operations, Waste Management will be splitting Friday’s route and adding an additional day on Monday. Please have your recycling at the curb by 7:00AM on the day of service and breakdown cardboard boxes so they fit inside your bin. Schedule changes would also apply to those residents who subscribe to trash collection.

You can view/download the updated recycling collection street list by clicking on this link: www.westminster-ma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif1431/f/uploads/westminster_day_change-1-19-23.pdf

What Can Be Recycled?
It is more important than ever to ensure the recycling collected is clean and does not contain trash. The Westminster DPW encourages residents to “Recycle Right” by putting accepted materials in their bins and avoiding the use of food waste, films, plastic bags, plastic wrap, or foam cups and containers.

Did you know… cardboard pizza delivery boxes without leftovers or liners should be recycled; but leftover crusts, cheese and other foods should not. If you’re wondering how to recycle properly, you can visit the Town’s Solid Waste Drop-Off Center webpage for helpful guidelines (PDF) to help ensure everything that makes it into your bin finds a second life.

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