
Trump Nods to Nazis Yet Again as NM GOP Still Enthusiastically Embraces Him

Government and Politics

May 21, 2024

On May 21st, the defense rested their case in Trump’s New York hush money criminal trial without the MAGA former president taking the stand. However, Trump has not been silent on the campaign trail so far this week, teasing his MAGA followers with more Nazi-inspired messaging and openness to banning contraceptives, and it’s only Tuesday. 

In a campaign video posted yesterday, Donald Trump referred to a “Unified Reich” if he wins the 2024 election, an obvious nod to Hitler’s Third Reich. His campaign took nearly an entire day to remove the video from the Truth Social platform. 

This video is just another example of Trump’s long record of paying homage to Hitler and antisemitic Nazi themes that already includes: 

“Steve Pearce’s Republican Party stands by obediently as Trump appeases the extremists and white supremacists in his MAGA movement with even more nods to Hitler and Nazis. But New Mexican voters rejected Trump and his thinly-veiled Nazi references by eleven percentage points in 2020 and will do so again this year,” said Democratic Party of New Mexico Spokesperson Daniel Garcia. 

In another extreme moment this week, Trump told a Pittsburgh TV station today, “We’re looking at that and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly,” when asked if he has any plans to ban contraceptives. Trump already takes credit for overturning Roe v. Wade, and there is no doubt that he will go even further in his attacks on reproductive rights should he get another term.