
Trustee Training Opportunity: Iowa Libraries Online Conference on January 26, 2023

Schools and Libraries

January 14, 2023

From: State Library of Iowa

You are invited to the annual Iowa Libraries Online Conference (ILOC) on Thursday, January 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

This FREE online conference offers keynote speakers, informative sessions, and an evening session for trustees - all online. The conference replicates an “in-person” experience without registration fees or travel costs. 

Productive Partnerships: Community Betterment Beyond Statistics

This year’s conference will be all about Productive Partnerships. While we focused on saying “yes” to opportunities last year, we realize that libraries cannot do all things. Being purposeful in determining what ideas to pursue, and with whom to undertake those pursuits, will make partnerships more productive in the long run. 

Evening Session for Trustees from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Not from Around Here: Partnerships with and for New People in Your Community with Dr. David J. Peters
As Iowa towns grow, shrink, and change, a big part of a community’s success (or lack thereof) will be how it engages newcomers to the area. Dr. David Peters, Professor of Sociology at Iowa State University, will share insights from the Iowa Small Towns Project survey on how small towns can engage newcomers in community projects.

The second part of the presentation will be suggestions and recommendations from State Library on how the library (and specifically the library board) can offer services to encourage newcomers to take part in the library as well as the larger community.

We hope you’ll join us all day, or in the evening for this informational and inspiring learning opportunity!

No need to preregister, click the link below to access the full schedule; links to the virtual conference rooms will be active the day of the conference.

Plan on logging in about 10 minutes before the session begins and be prepared to enter the password ILOC when prompted. (Please note: Zoom, the web conference software used, may require you to download a small software client after clicking the link to access the conference.)

2023 ILOC Schedule and Webinar Links