
Urgent Message From The Water And Sewer Division - Additional Seasonal Water Use Restrictions

Government and Politics

July 27, 2022

From: Town of Shrewsbury

As we continue to experience a prolonged period of high temperatures and very little precipitation, the drought conditions for our area are worsening. On July 21, 2022, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Beth Card declared a Level 3-Critical Drought in the central region of the state, which includes Shrewsbury. Due to these conditions, the Town of Shrewsbury has implemented additional water use restrictions effective on July 27, 2022.

The additional restrictions include:

- Filling and Topping off of Swimming Pools Ban: Filling of swimming pools or adding more than two inches of water to an existing filled pool is prohibited.  Usage of children’s wading pools is allowed.
- Lawn Sprinkler Use Ban: The use of automatic or manual lawn sprinkler or sprinkler systems is prohibited. Outdoor watering via hand held device is allowed for vegetable and flower gardens, shrubbery, trees, and lawn areas.

The Shrewsbury water system continues to be reliable and is meeting the current demands of the Town. The Shrewsbury Water and Sewer Division is closely monitoring the drought conditions in the region and will send out additional updates as mandatory water use restrictions change.

If you have any questions, please email Water and Sewer Superintendent Dan Rowley at [email protected].

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