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Cash Point Baptist Church

1994 Ardmore Highway


Sharing the Love of Jesus Christ with the world.


The vision of Cash Point Baptist Church is to be in one accord with God's
word, full of the Holy Spirit, and set apart as a model for others.

We Believe:

We believe in the full authority of God's Word, the Bible. It is verbally inspired and without error in both content and message. By it, we govern our lives and activities.

We believe in the Tri-unity of God. God is one, manifested in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three are fully God and completely one, though they reveal themselves to us as described above.

We believe that man is made in the image of God, but has fallen through Adam and Eve's sin against God. That image, therefore, has been distorted and can no longer be seen as God intended. Mankind's fallen condition requires that each one of us needs salvation. Man is lost--separated from God, which demands that reconciliation be restored. If man refuses that salvation that God freely offers, he will spend forever in the fiery torment of hell, a place God prepared for the devil and his angels.

We believe that Jesus Christ, God's Son is the Savior and Lord which God provides for our salvation and reconciliation with God. Jesus is God Incarnate; lived a sinless life; was crucified, buried, but rose bodily on the third day; He lives to be Lord and Savior for all who will repent and believe on Him.

We believe that God completely saves anyone who will repent and believe on Jesus as his or her Lord and Savior. No works, such as baptism, being good to our neighbors, giving to charity, or any other kind will save anyone. It must be by faith in the saving power of God through Jesus Christ. We believe that the Holy Spirit is God's way to guide and teach the church during this age. He baptizes us into the Body of Christ, seals us and is God's guarantee that we are saved forever. The Holy Spirit also gives us gifts and enables us to minister both to one another and in the world as a whole.

We believe that new believers in Christ must obey Christ's command to be baptized (by immersion) and thereby become members of a local congregation. This baptism is a symbolic act of faith in Christ and has no saving power. It is a testimony of one's new life in Christ Jesus.

We believe in the personal and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ. His return will be sudden and therefore unpredictable in terms of a precise date. Until Christ's return, we believe that every Christian is under the commission of Jesus to carry the Gospel into all the world. This means both contributing to missionary endeavors and going personally, as God determines.
