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Cedar Meadow Farm

12 Erin's Way

We are proud to offer a 6 month meat CSA running from May through October 2009. Items include: European-style broiler chickens, Cornish Rock Cross broiler chickens, rabbit, pork, grass fed beef, and grass fed lamb. Each of these products will be offered on a seasonal basis as they become available.

Cedar Meadow Farm is a small, family-run farm in Southeastern CT providing consumers with pasture raised poultry, turkeys, duck, rabbit, fresh eggs, and pork from heritage breeds. We believe your food should not contain antibiotics and growth hormones, shipped hundreds of miles across the country and handled by countless individuals. We oppose "high-throughput factory farming" and are doing our part to provide a fresh and healthy product to our patrons.

Unlike commercial farms, our turkeys and broilers spend most of their lives out on pasture. Keeping poultry in this manner is not a new idea to animal husbandry. In fact, it is a step back in time to the way our forefathers cared for their land and livestock.

CSA Details:
- Season: June through November
- Type: Single farm
- Since: 2008
- No of Shares: 25
- Full Share: 6 month share - $100/month 3 month share - $125/month
- Work Req? No

Pick Up/Drop Off Points:

- Cedar Meadow Farm
Members will pick up their shares at the farm
Contact:    Julia Cronin
Phone:    860.608.7442
Address:    12 Erin's Way , Ledyard, CT 06339

- Connecticut Farm Fresh Express
CSAs can be delivered via Connecticut Farm Fresh Express. Delivery areas include all of Southeastern CT and most of Central and Coastal Connecticut.
Contact:    Deb Marsden