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Edmonds Adventist Church

8625-196th Street South West

About Us:

The Edmonds church is deeply grateful for the wonderful gift of salvation God makes available to every person. It is our conviction that God is calling our church to connect people in a living way with Jesus Christ. No matter what your background or present situation in life, we invite you to fellowship and worship with us.

It is our strong belief that people grow only through living relationships with God and fellow human beings. Developing these two vital relationships is at the core of the words of Jesus when he said:

"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:37-40

Your presence with us, whether in a small group or in corporate worship, will help us grow closer to the God we seek.
