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First Baptist Church of Baxter Springs

1005 East Avenue

Core Values:

GOD:  There is one and only one living and true God.  He is manifest to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

JESUS:  Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity.  He is God.  He was born of a virgin, and came to the earth as God in the flesh fully God and fully man.  He lived a perfect life, died a sacrificial death and rose again the third day.

HOLY SPIRIT:  The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity.  He comes to dwell in every believer at the moment of salvation and works in us to conform us to the image of Jesus.

BIBLE:  The Holy Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God.  It was written by men divinely inspired by God.

SALVATION:  Salvation is a sovereign work of God in our lives.  It is wholly unmerited and undeserved.  We receive it only as a result of God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  Our response is repentance of our sins and submission to Christ in obedience to His lordship over our lives.
