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Friedens Lutheran Church of Stony Run

9727 Red Road

Our name means “peace” and we wish to share Christ’s peace with you, in person on Sunday mornings and online.

-Sunday Worship:     9:00 AM

-Fellowship:             10:15 AM

-Sunday School:     10:30 AM

-Adult Bible Study: 10:30 AM

-Gentle Yoga is held at 10:00AM on Saturdays. The sessions are free and open to the community thanks to the generosity of our teacher, Donald Maher.

Today’s culture offers a veritable smorgasbord of activities virtually every day of the week, and even on secular and religious holidays. There is no end to all those things that pull us in every direction every day of our lives. And yet over 200 of your neighbors, friends, co-workers and acquaintances have chosen to make membership in this congregation an important part of their lives. Why? The Church does not offer easy fixes to anything, but offers hope and meaning for the long haul in life. Underscoring this is the gospel message of the Church: you are accepted and even loved unconditionally just for who you are. That is a radical thing to say in a world which judges us continuously, and it is even more radical to believe it. But that is what God’s grace is, and grace is the particular Lutheran emphasis of Christianity. God desires health and wholeness for us, and the mission of the Church is to be an instrument of this healing desire.

Lutheran worship is grounded in the worship traditions of western Christianity. The Lutheran Church is named for Martin Luther, a German Augustinian monk who challenged the churchly powers of the late Middle Ages to reform by recognizing its departure from the gospel, and over-focusing on what we try to do to earn this wondrous gift of grace. From its start in Germany in the 16th Century, the Lutheran Church has spread around the world, with the fastest growing congregations in Africa. In the United States there are several different Lutheran denominations, each of which has a slightly different understanding of mission and ministry. Friedens is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest of the several Lutheran denominations in the U.S.

Worship is liturgical—it follows a set pattern, with weekly and seasonal emphases. It has a basic outline: we confess that we don’t have it all together; we hear how God has come into our lives and walks the journey with us; we respond with thanks; God offers us the sacrament of Holy Communion to strengthen us and to deepen the relationship; and then we are charged with going out into the world to serve the neighbor in need.
