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Rice Lake Baptist Church

10793 Spruce Avenue

About Us:

We believe that there is only one true God and that is the God revealed in the Bible. God is one and yet He exists in three distinct persons referred to as the Trinity (three persons yet one God): God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. We deny that all faiths actually worship the same God. We believe that the Bible (Old & New Testaments) is the one true revelation from God to all men. The Bible is without error and is the only authority for faith and for life.

We believe that salvation by faith in Christ is a free gift from God; it cannot be earned by living a good life or accomplishing any religious rituals or deeds. Salvation is required of every person because every person is a sinner, and sin places man under God’s judgment. Salvation has been provided by Jesus Christ and can only be provided by Him; He is the only way to a relationship with God. He always existed from eternity past as God and came to earth in a body of flesh, and was the only man who never sinned. Jesus literally shed His blood and died on the cross. He died for the sins of every person who ever lived. Any and every person who places their faith (a commitment of heart and life) in Christ and confesses their sins will be completely forgiven by God and immediately born into the family of God. Every person who has been genuinely saved through sincere personal faith has experienced a heart change. The result of this heart change is the ability and desire to live obediently to God. This obedient lifestyle is not sinless perfection but a consistent life of doing God’s will and a constant desire to please Him. Every believer will be kept eternally secure by God and will live forever with Him.
