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The Gardens of Black Rock

7046 Blue Hill Road

Being a member of our CSA means more than just receiving a weekly share of good healthy vegetables and herbs during the growing season that are produced without you having to worry about synthetic chemicals, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, growth hormones, antibiotics or any of those other processing of food with those industrial nasties that are out there coming from who knows where! It is even more than having the opportunity to be directly connected with the farm and being able to share in the selection, the planting, the growing and harvesting of your food! It is more than being able to get other healthy wholesome foods when they become available, like free ranged eggs, gourmet mushrooms, natural whole honey, farm fresh cheese to name a few! Yes! It is more! ...yet you alone will know what that is when you wander the hills and gardens of Black Rock!

Our Gardens of Black Rock is a partnership of mutual commitment between our farm and our local community which provides a direct link between the production and consumption of food. Becoming a member creates a responsible relationship between people and the food they eat, the land on which it is grown and those who grow it. It makes a wiser and healthier choice of the food for you and your family. At the Gardens of Black Rock, we look at the soil and the entire farm as dynamic living organisms. We believe that healthy living soil to be the basic necessity if the soil is to be preserved for generations to come. We strive to be self-sufficient and self-contained, avoiding any input from any outside sources.

CSA Details:
Season:  January through January
Type: Single farm
Since: 1991
No of Shares: 200
Full Share: $25./week(min. 12 weeks)
1/2 Share:
Work Req? Yes: 0

Pick Up/Drop Off Points:

The Gardens of Black Rock

please contact by email for further information
Contact: Diana Gately
Address: 7046 Blue Hill Road, Glenville, PA 17329 
