Jessica Halloran, PA

Jessica Neumann, PA-C, practices with Dr. Rasheed Abiola, a fellowship-trained orthopedic spine surgeon, at the practice. She is passionate about the orthopedic specialty because of the ability she has to improve quality of life for their patients. “I strive to help patients feel the best they can and get back to doing the activities that they enjoy,” Jessica says. “My goal is to ultimately improve their quality of life as much as possible by treating conditions in minimally invasive ways or intervening surgically, if needed.” As a physician assistant in the practice, Jessica practices alongside Dr. Abiola, treating patients with a variety of spinal conditions including, but not limited to, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, cervical/lower back pain, cervical/lumbar herniated discs, scoliosis and fractures. Jessica is a St. Louis Cardinals fan and loves attending games. Jessica’s practice is part of BJC Medical Group, a well-established, multi-specialty physician group.
