Mutts Gone Nuts

Saturday, Apr 6, 2024 at 11:00am


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Prepare to be bow-wowed! Canines and comedy collide in Mutts Gone Nuts when husband and wife duo Scott and Joan Houghton return to the Center for the Arts and unleash their troupe of four-legged friends for a dog-thrilling extravaganza like no other. The show includes some of the most talented dogs in the world doing barrel tricks, dancing, magic, and jump rope routines! The talented furry lineup even includes a Guinness World Record holder for the highest jump by a dog at 75 and 1/2 inches and a world champion frisbee dog. The show also features the talented comedian Jonathan Burns, who has appeared on Penn & Teller: Fool UsAmerica’s Got Talent, and Disney Cruise Lines. We guarantee the audience will be howling for more. “A Must See,” barks The Washington Post. (Recommended for all ages)

This performance also takes place on Sunday, Apr. 7 at 1 and 4 p.m. at our sister venue, the Hylton Center, in Manassas, VA.

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