Lakeland FL Zip Code Lookup and List

Below is a list of Lakeland FL zip codes. For your research we have also included Lakeland Area Code, Time Zone, UTC and the local Polk County FIPS Code. Each Lakeland Florida zip code has a center Longitude / Latitude point (the Lakeland center is -82.008903503418 / 27.96249961853). For your convenience we have also indicated if that zip code in Lakeland observes Daylight Savings time.

Zip Area Lat Lon Zone UTC DST State FIPS Code County FIPS Code MSA Code City County State
33801 863 28.037963 -81.943908 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33802 863 28.064649 -81.943511 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33803 863 28.01467 -81.934529 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33804 863 28.079105 -81.954512 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33805 863 28.085598 -81.97553 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33805 863 28.085598 -81.97553 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33806 863 28.02891 -81.955237 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33807 863 27.953142 -81.991994 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33809 863 28.121806 -81.983669 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33810 863 28.11224 -82.015226 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33811 863 27.962536 -82.008592 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33812 863 27.962476 -82.008918 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33813 863 27.966593 -81.934465 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
33815 863 28.038562 -81.997042 Eastern -5 Y 12 12105 3980 Lakeland Polk FL
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