
Acadiana Center for the Arts Monthly Music Calendar - June 2022

Arts and Entertainment

May 30, 2022

From: Acadiana Center for the Arts

NXT Music Series Applications Open:
2023 NXT Applications are now open to Acadiana-based musicians and performers!

With the NXT series, AcA will partner with Acadiana performing artists, often at the outset of their careers.

This series aims to support the growth of local musicians and other performing artists creating significant new work in their discipline.
NXT aims to bring a new audience into the AcA, and expose our members to unique artistic experiences from around Acadiana.

Program Overview
Ticket sales will be split 80/20 after technical production costs, 80% going to artist.
The performer and AcA share responsibility for the promotion of the shows.
The series will consist of 2-4 acts a year

Important Dates
Application will close on May 31, 2022
Applicants will be contacted by June 15, 2022


Silent Seats:

We believe The Arts are for Everyone, which is why we love our Silent Seats program that offers FREE tickets for those with limited resources.

We work closely with social service organizations throughout Acadiana to offer seats – at no cost – to individuals who may otherwise have limited exposure to attending performances in dance, music, theatre, and more.

Attending a live performance is a memorable experience and can bring joy to people of all ages. It offers an immersive and interactive environment, encourages creativity, and increases cultural literacy. 

To find out if your organization is a fit, please fill out our survey!

A big thank you to Kiwanis Club of Lafayette for making this program possible!