
Alameda Free Library : Resources for TK-8 Educators August 2022

Schools and Libraries

August 13, 2022

From: Alameda Free Library

Class Visits and Tours

Sign up now for virtual and in person class visits, a Library-To-Go Book Box, or a Library Tour!

Hope your summer was splendid and your school year is off to a great start. I hope you can find time to fit a visit or two from me into your schedule, either virtually or in  person, and maybe even take a field trip to the library with your class. Currently, Virtual Visits from the Library are set for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I'll make the rounds to all Alameda elementary schools in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If all goes well, I'll be able to add more In Person class visits in the near future. Fingers crossed! 

-Grades K-8 Click here to schedule Virtual Class Visits on Zoom from the Alameda Free Library (limit one visit per classroom per month): https://calendly.com/alameda-free-library-virtual-visits

-Grades K-5 Click here to schedule In Person Class Visits at your school, a Library-To-Go Book Box, or an in person Main Library tourhttps://calendly.com/alamedafree4schools

-To schedule an In Person visit, please find the event for your school and scroll through the calendar to find available dates listed in blue. Please confirm with your school administrators that I am allowed to visit your campus in person before I visit. I will provide proof of up-to-date Covid vaccination status upon check-in, wear a mask or face shield indoors, and bring a portable speaker for weather permitting outdoor visits.

-If you're interested in a class trip to the Bay Farm Island or West End Branch, please contact me to schedule. The librarians there are eager to invite individual classrooms in for a story or two and a quick tour! 

-I visit school community and PTA events, too! Please contact me if you'd like me to promote library services for families or pop by for a story time at any upcoming virtual or in person event. I'll do my best to work your event into my schedule.

Hope to see you SOON!

Library Card Holders Get Free Tutoring with tutor.com

FREE Online, On Demand Schoolwork Help Resources for Alameda Free Library Cardholders!   K-12 through adult learners get academic support in over 100 subjects in English and Spanish from this valuable, free resource!  Our libraries will no longer offer in person homework help. Share this helpful resource! with your student's families today!

Schoolwork Help

Show your students our updated Schoolwork Help page where you'll find direct links to valuable FREE tutoring, online learning, and research resources, accessible with and without a library card. Be sure to check out the World Book Early Learning, Discover, and Timelines databases, chock-full of amazing research resources for kids!

Schoolwork Help

Just For Educators

Yup, we've got a page just for you! Find class visit, book box, and tour scheduling links, Teacher Card information, and helpful links and databases curated by AFL for all educators. In particular, don't miss the Teaching Resources and Teaching Activities from CultureGrams and Explora for Teachers, both accessible with your Teacher Card.  

 Encourage your students to become library card holders! The benefits are boundless. We make it easy! Contact Andie Cultrera to initiate a Library Card Drive for your classroom. [email protected]

How about a card for YOU? We offer Teacher Library Cards that give you the opportunity to check out materials for your students. Check out our Library To Go information and apply for your card today.