
American Lung Association News - Help 4+Million Kids With Asthma

Health and Fitness

September 12, 2023

Help students with asthma thrive

Class is back in session! So the American Lung Association is committed to help the more than 4 million kids who have asthma succeed this year.

Asthma is one of the most common illness-related reasons that children miss school. In fact, asthma leads to more than 7.9 million missed school days per year.

Help reach our $20,000 Back-to-School goal to kick off the new school year. Your gift will help children with asthma breathe easier.
Donate Now

Your gift helps reduce students’ asthma emergencies by
- Helping educators recognize and manage asthma symptoms and attacks in their classrooms.
- Educating parents to make better every day asthma management decisions.
- Giving children more confidence to take care of their asthma and communicate needs.
- Supporting researchers in the search for more innovative treatments for kids.

Keep children with asthma safe and healthy
Will you join the American Lung Association as we work to support the millions of children with asthma?

Give now to help reach our $20,000 Back-to-School goal by Friday’s midnight deadline.