
Applications Being Accepted For Hotel Occupancy Tax Funding

Government and Politics

August 18, 2022

From: City Of Greenville

The City of Greenville is accepting applications from organizations requesting funding for programs and activities supported by the Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax for FY 2022-2023. The deadline for applying for funding is 5 PM on September 15, 2022.

By law of the State of Texas, the City of Greenville collects a Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) from hotels, bed & breakfasts, and other lodging facilities. Under state law, the revenue from the HOT may be used only to directly promote tourism and the hotel and convention industry.

Chapter 351 of the Tax Code states that the use of HOT funds is limited to:

- Convention Centers and Visitor Information Centers

- Registration of Convention Delegates

- Advertising, Solicitations, and Promotions that Directly Promote Tourism and the Hotel and Convention Industry

- Promotions of the Arts that Directly Promote Tourism and the Hotel and Convention Industry

- Historical Restoration and Preservation Activities that Directly Promote Tourism and the Hotel and Convention Industry

- Sporting Event Expenses that Substantially Increase Economic Activity at Hotels

- Funding transportation systems for transporting tourists from hotels to and near the city

- Signage directing tourists to sights and attractions that are visited frequently by hotel guests in the municipality

Organizations submitting applications for funding must ensure that their program increases hotel occupancy and promotes tourism in Greenville.

Applications are available at City Hall located at 2821 Washington Street or on the City’s website at www.ci.greenville.tx.us/tourismfunding. For more information contact (903) 457-3100.