
As Senate Votes on Border Security Bill, MAGA Extremist Sam Brown Continues to Oppose Bipartisan Plan

Government and Politics

May 23, 2024

Brown is siding with MAGA extremists against more Border Patrol agents, surge of resources to stop fentanyl trafficking because he will always put self-serving politics over bipartisan solutions for Nevada

As the Senate gets ready to vote again on passing a major Border Security bill that was negotiated by both parties, MAGA extremist Sam Brown is continuing to put politics ahead of solving problems for Nevadans by refusing to support this bipartisan package of common-sense reforms.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz:

“Sam Brown is running to be a rubber stamp for extreme MAGA Republicans and pledging to vote against a bipartisan plan for more Border Patrol agents, cutting-edge technology, and new resources to stop drug trafficking. While Senator Rosen has always supported common-sense solutions that will help secure the border, Brown is using immigration as a political football because he thinks it will help him win an election.”

Here’s what you need to know about Sam Brown’s extreme opposition to Border Security: