
Aspen Center for Environmental Studies Happenings Newsletter - January 24, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

January 25, 2023

From: Aspen Center For Environmental Studies

Each Winter Season, ACES Hosts Three Speaker Series: Naturalist Nights, Wild Perspectives & Potbelly Perspectives.

At ACES, we recognize the many ways we can find joy and meaning in our relationship with the natural world. This winter lecture series honors the variety of connections we share, from advocacy and conservation to adventure and exploration.

We hope you will join us over the next few months for some incredible presentations!

Naturalist Nights

Wednesdays | 6PM | Third Street Center, Carbondale

Thursdays | 6PM | Hallam Lake, Aspen


Naturalist Nights, presented by ACES, Wilderness Workshop, and Roaring Fork Audubon, features experts in scientific research, environmental policy, and more.

Tea, donated by Two Leaves and A Bud, and cookies will be offered at all events.

Where Wildlife Meets the Road: Advancing Wildlife Safe Passages in the Roaring Fork Valley | Julia Kintsch & Cecily DeAngelo

January 25 | 6PM | Third Street Center, Carbondale

January 26 | 6PM | Hallam Lake, Aspen

The Science of Coexisting with Black Bears in Colorado | Stewart Breck, Ph.D

February 8 | 6PM | Third Street Center, Carbondale

February 9 | 6PM | Hallam Lake, Aspen

The First Ascent: Over 10,000 Years of Native American Occupation in the Colorado Mountains | Jason LaBelle

February 22 | 6PM | Third Street Center, Carbondale

February 23 | 6PM | Hallam Lake, Aspen

Ancient Wetlands: Their Essential Value & Threats in Our Warming World | Delia Malone

March 8 | 6PM | Third Street Center, Carbondale

March 9 | 6PM | Hallam Lake, Aspen

Wild Perspectives

Tuesdays | 7PM | The Collective Snowmass


Wild Perspectives features exciting accounts of world travel, adventure, and the natural world through stories and visual media. This series, in partnership with The Collective Snowmass, seeks to connect community and celebrate the art of storytelling.

A complimentary drink ticket will be offered to each attendee at the Collective Bar.

Perspectives from the Trail: The Miles That Counted Most | Challenge Aspen 'Sole Mates'

January 31 | 7PM | The Collective Snowmass

Homecoming: Ski Mountaineering in the Chilean Andes | Aidan Goldie-Ahumada

February 7 | 7PM | The Collective Snowmass

Corsets to Harnesses: From Our Adventures in Corsica & Beyond | Ruth Brown & Kim Levin

February 28 | 7PM | The Collective Snowmass

Penguins, Peaks & Off-Piste Skiing: Skiing the Antarctica Peninsula | Samantha Podhurst

March 7 | 7PM | The Collective Snowmass

Potbelly Perspectives 

Wednesdays | 6PM | Hallam Lake  

$5 Non-members | Free for Members

This speaker series features Aspen locals or visitors sharing exciting accounts of world travel and adventure through images and stories.

Tea by Two Leaves and A Bud, beer from Aspen Brewing Company & Capitol Creek Brewery, and cookies will be offered.

If You Want to Go Far, Go Together: Finding the 'We' in Individual Sport | Jeff Colt

February 1 | 6PM | Hallam Lake, Aspen

From the Black Forest to the Black Sea: 1900 Miles Across Europe on Human-Powered Bikes | Pamela & Craig Mackey

February 15 | 6PM | Hallam Lake, Aspen

Avalanche Dreams: A Ski Mountaineer's Life | Lou Dawson

March 1 | 6PM | Hallam Lake, Aspen