
Bridgewater Updates - School Security Plans – Additional Information

Government and Politics

June 24, 2022

From: Township of Bridgewater

Dear Bridgewater resident,

In response to a number of inquiries from residents, we’ve prepared this expanded fact sheet to show clearly the details of the current school security situation, as well as the two differing proposals to address it in the future.  

The idea that there would be a competing group of armed individuals who do not report to the Chief of Police, who have a separate chain of command, is something that we believe is not in the best interest of our students or our officers, and it is not an effective way of providing security to our school system.

I feel very strongly about this, especially having heard from Captain Mitzak who has been fantastic in advising us through this process. The issue here is more than just semantics. It is crucial to have one set of logistics, one set of protocols, one chain of command when and if there's an emergency.

When you have two or three chains of command, all reporting to somebody different, that is not in the best interests of providing for the safety and security of our students, teachers, or our officers.

We believe that it is of the utmost importance that all residents in our community have the facts of the situation, so that they can make their voices heard to the proper public officials, that's why we have made these facts available to you.

I hope you join me in my unwavering position that anyone other than Bridgewater Sworn Police Officers protecting our children is unacceptable.