
City Of Alameda - Business News From The Island January 2023

Government and Politics

January 19, 2023

From: City Of Alameda


Alameda Welcomes New City Manager

Holiday Shop Local Campaign Success for Local Retailers

Economic Development Year in Review 2022

Alameda In the News

Upcoming Events

Alameda Welcomes New City Manager

On January 3, 2023, Jennifer (Jen) Ott began her work as City Manager with the City of Alameda. Ms. Ott was appointed by City Council at its December 6, 2022 meeting following an extensive recruitment process. Since 2018, Ms. Ott has worked for the City of Hayward where she served as Assistant City Manager and Development Services Director. From 2005 to 2018, Ms. Ott worked for the City of Alameda as Redevelopment Manager, Acting Assistant City Manager, Chief Operating Officer of Alameda Point, and Base Reuse and Transportation Planning Director.

Ms. Ott shares that her previous 13 years of experience with the City of Alameda will allow her “to hit the ground running and immediately begin implementing Council and community priorities.”

Recruitment has begun for the Assistant City Manager position.

Holiday Shop Local Campaign Success for Local Retailers

From November 17 to December 26, 2022, 76 businesses and restaurants participated in the Shop Local Campaign. Participating businesses received posters, customizable “Thank you” cards, and assistance with marketing. Eight businesses also received a free photo shoot from local photographer Maurice Ramirez. In addition to posters and printed advertisements on AC Transit busses, a robust digital marketing effort via Google, Patch, and social media outlets garnered over half a million impressions and generated 599 posts using the campaign hashtag #shoplocalalameda, driving 8,400+ people to the City’s Shop Local webpage over the duration of the campaign. Giveaway prizes, including a keychain and tokens, will be distributed by City staff in January to show appreciation to residents and visitors who shopped local and signed up to participate. In response to the campaign, staff received many comments of appreciation for the work that the City does to support Alameda’s businesses and community

Economic Development Year in Review 2022

Last summer, the City of Alameda conducted its second annual Business Pulse Survey to better understand the state of the local business community. What we heard from 182 respondents—mostly small, long-running Alameda businesses—is that most business are holding steady or growing. Nearly two-thirds report revenues have remained stable or increased over the previous year. However, the impacts of pandemic are still being felt, particularly by restaurants, bars, and retail businesses as two-thirds of restaurants, bars, and retailers report that they have not returned to pre-pandemic performance.

While the survey also demonstrated that the COVID-19 pandemic is still a major factor for many businesses, the greatest current concern relates to supply chain issues – the availability, dependability, and cost of goods. Looking forward, businesses cited the national economic outlook, including inflation and the potential for recession as their top concern.

State Controller’s Small Business Webinar
The City of Alameda participated in a regional small business webinar, sponsored by former California State Controller Betty Yee. The webinar, held on November 30, featured several state and regional agencies that provide help for small businesses. The webinar provided practical resources and information on small business grants, loans, contracting opportunities, and tax programs. Participating governmental agencies included:

State Franchise Tax Board
California Dept. of General Services
California Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation
California Office of the Small Business Advocate
California Secretary of State
Employment Development Department (EDD)
California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
The City of Alameda also presented an overview of its services for small businesses.

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