
City Of Albany News : $1.1 Million In Grant Funding Available For Waste Prevention

Government and Politics

January 13, 2023

From: City of Albany

StopWaste is offering grants to nonprofits and businesses in Alameda County with a total of $1.1 million available in funding for projects in six categories. The focus is on innovative approaches to preventing waste in Alameda County and supporting local communities.

- Food Waste Prevention & Recovery: Up to $20,000 per grant for projects that prevent food waste through product or process redesign or recovery and redistribution of surplus edible food to feed people. For businesses, nonprofits and institutions.
- Surplus Food Donation Equipment: Up to $10,000 per grant for storage and transport equipment to recover or donate surplus edible food that would otherwise go to waste. For nonprofits only.
- Community Food Systems: Up to $10,000 per grant for locally focused projectsthat prevent food waste while improving food access, equity, economic opportunity and community health. For businesses, nonprofits and institutions.
- Reusable Foodware: $5,000 to $50,000 per grant for innovative projects that replace single-use, disposable foodware with reusable systems and build reusable foodware infrastructure. For businesses, nonprofits and institutions.
- Reuse & Repair: Up to $20,000 per grant for projects that prevent disposal or recycling in favor of repair, reuse, recovery, and redistribution of goods and materials. For businesses, nonprofits and institutions
- Reusable Transport Packaging: Up to $10,000 per grant for reusable equipment such as crates, bins and pallet wrap to replace limited-life packaging used in manufacturing, transportation and/or distribution. For businesses, nonprofits and institutions.

For details visit www.StopWaste.org/Grants. Application deadline is March 2023.