
City of Albany News Community Notification

Government and Politics

October 17, 2022

From: City of Albany


There has been a rise in catalytic converter thefts from vehicle exhaust systems throughout California and the East Bay.

The Albany Police Department is doing all that it can to detect, deter, and interdict catalytic converter thieves. We would like to share some prevention measures you can take to make it more difficult for thieves to take your catalytic converter:

There is a range of security devices that can be affixed to a catalytic converter. Some are cages that can be welded directly to the catalytic converter or a metal plate covering the converter. The goal of these devices is to make it more difficult and time consuming for a thief to remove the catalytic converter from the exhaust system. Motion sensor car alarms can also be used to detect vibration from the cutting and alert owners and neighbors of possible theft.

Owners can spray paint (with high heat spray paint) their catalytic converter to deter buyers of stolen devices and etch their vehicle’s VIN (vehicle identification number) or California license plate number on the converter to alert scrap dealers that the catalytic converter might be stolen.

Whenever possible park in well-lit areas or park in a garage with the doors closed. If you park a vehicle outdoors, park as close to the entrance of your home or building as possible. On an open public lot, park as close to the nearest access road to increase exposure to pedestrian traffic.

Install motion-sensitive lights to illuminate where your car is parked at night.

Video surveillance around your home, driveway or the street can both be a deterrent to catalytic converter theft and possibly help the Albany Police investigate by providing valuable information about catalytic converter suspects and the vehicles they drive.

Get to know your neighbors and watch out for each other. Good communication can be key to catching any crime in progress, quick reporting, and obtaining good witness statements.

Remember people who commit crimes like these may be armed and willing to commit violence. If you witness an in-progress crime, call 911 and remain in the safest place available avoiding any contact with the thieves. Providing the best possible description of the suspect’s vehicle and suspects will help officers as they respond.

If you are the victim of an attempted or completed catalytic converter theft, please call the Albany Police Department as soon as possible at 1(510) 525-7300.