
City of Belmont Weekly News For January 6, 2023

Government and Politics

January 9, 2023

From: City of Belmont

City of Belmont Weekly News For January 6, 2023

Happy New Year Belmont! 

It is fair to say that the worst of winter storms is not yet over, but I am very pleased how well we have fared so far. 

You likely know already just how busy January has kept all department staff, especially our emergency personnel. 

During the next wave of storms, you can rely on this webpage for information and resources: www.Belmont.gov/storms.

You can share these details with the people in your life, or neighbors near you who don't utilize our digital tools. Here's a snapshot of details from the webpage:

Who to Call:

Extreme Emergency (life at stake, fire, etc.): 911 

Non-life-threatening emergency (tree fell, road blocked, etc): 650-595-7400

Downed traffic light, street pole, power pole: 911, then PG&E at 1-800-743-5000

Flooding Report: 650-595-7425 please leave a message

Need storm-related help, call 211.

Find all of our social channels here: www.Belmont.gov/social

Thank you to everyone who liked and shared our social messaging, especially during the height of the storm when reaching large audiences was vital. 

The weather forecasts continued rainy days throughout January, with a few dry, sunny windows. We all know how important water is to us, so I guess we can be thankful for all of this much-needed rain. 

I'll end this note by telling you how inspired I am by the dedicated Belmont city staff. To watch them rise to the occasion, collaborate with their neighboring colleagues, and deliver on the promises of a united Team Belmont is humbling. They are exactly the professionals that I know them to be and I am so pleased our residents get the benefits of their skills. 

Afshin Oskoui
City Manager

A Season of Storms

January arrived like a gust of wind, quite literally. A major storm flooded our streets and highways on New Year's Eve and we all woke to a soggy Jan. 1, 2023. 

The next system prompted the opening of our Emergency Operation Center and an all-hands-on-deck approach ensured that the few minor issues were responded to quickly. Forecasters predict that January will remain stormy. 

Join us at our first City Council meeting of the year to hear the storm report from our City Manager. Scroll down to see our meeting dates and times. 

Commission Recruitments
Get Involved in City Commissions

Belmont is currently recruiting for members of the community to serve on a number of Boards and Commissions including Planning and Parks and Recreation Voting and Non-Voting Commission seats. Apply by Jan. 13, 2023. 

Submit Your Name

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