
City Of Belmont Weekly News - October 14, 2022

Government and Politics

October 17, 2022

From: City of Belmont

A Special Sneak Peek
Project Planners Tour New Firehouse Square

On Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022, members of our City Council and Planning Commission, City Staff and some very special guests joined Mid-Peninsula Housing staff for an inside look at our brand-new affordable housing development, Firehouse Square. 

You might recall that work on this project started in 2011. Today, the reconstructed building hosts reminders of the building's past, like the 1936 Firehouse's Spanish tiles and light fixtures, and original mosaics designed by artist Xuan Ho using salvaged materials from the site. See this Tweet about it from August

To see what we and our hosts posted about the sneak peek on Tuesday click on these social channels: 

City's Twitter
MidPen Housing's Twitter
City Manager's LinkedIn

To learn more about the history of Firehouse Square, visit the project's development webpage

We invite your opinion of our top citywide priorities for a proposed community benefits program. Popular examples include sidewalk improvements, bike lanes, new parks, public parking, and the development of affordable housing. Tell us what you want to see in Belmont. 

Take Survey

It's Fire Prevention Week

Did you know it’s the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week, and our City Council acknowledged this event at Tuesday night’s Council meeting by presenting a proclamation to the San Mateo Consolidated Fire. In recognition of this event, we like to share some important information with you for the occasion.

Did you know you have less than two minutes to escape if a fire breaks out in your home? Here’s how to make sure you can make it out quickly:

-Plan and practice your home escape plan today.

-Know two ways out of every room.

-Have a meeting place in a safe location, and make sure everyone in the home knows where it is.

-Never re-enter a home that is on fire.

-Have working smoke alarms in all sleeping rooms and hallways leading to sleeping rooms.

Learn more about Emergency Preparedness, and the Top 5 tips for preparing for disasters by watching our video here.

Are you ready? Thursday is the annual Great California ShakeOut, the world’s largest earthquake safety drill.

-You can practice the earthquake response procedure from work, school or home.

-If you register online, you will be counted in the final tally of participants (We are counting on a strong showing from Belmont!).

-The drill will start at 10:20 a.m. and last for one minute.

Do you know what to do in an earthquake? Here’s a refresher:

California residents can also download the free MyShake app to receive earthquake warnings. The app is a component of Earthquake Warning California, the country’s first publicly available, statewide warning system that could give California residents crucial seconds to take cover before you feel shaking. Earthquake Warning California uses ground motion sensors from across the state to detect earthquakes before humans can feel them and can notify you to take cover in advance of an earthquake.

Community Meeting: Placemaking Guidelines
Join us on Oct. 17 at 9:30 a.m.

Streetscapes may seem simple – but a lot of planning goes into improving the look and feel of our streets, sidewalks, and public spaces. 

We have been developing detailed design guidelines for streetscape treatments in the Belmont Village Specific Plan (BVSP) area. The guidelines will create public placemaking opportunities and ensure that incremental improvements will result in an integrated and consistently high-quality streetscape system. Priorities will center on:

-Street Trees

-Special Paving

-Sidewalk/Street Width


-Bike Racks

-Trash Receptacles

-Banners/Hanging Baskets

Join our City Council’s Placemaking Committee for a community meeting on Monday, Oct. 17, 2022 from at 9:30 a.m. at City Hall (second floor, EOC room) to review the "Draft BVSP Streetscape Design Guidelines" and to see and comment on our streetscape plans for the future. 

Add this event to your calendar, click here: 

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