
City Of Brea News - Watering Schedule for Fall/Winter

Government and Politics

September 27, 2022

From: City Of Brea

Watering Schedule for Fall/Winter
Due to drought conditions in the state, Brea has moved into Level 2 of our Water Shortage Contingency Response. Efforts to conserve remain important in order to protect supplies. Wasteful practices are always prohibited under statewide restrictions that have been made permanent.

Make Water Conservation a Way of Life!

1. No outdoor watering from 10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
2. Outdoor automated irrigation is limited to one day per week: Wednesday, from October to April.
3. Limit watering to 10 minutes per station.

For more information or to save money and water by participating in rebate programs that you may be applicable for, please visit click here.