
City of Carpinteria Newsletter - July 28, 2022

Government and Politics

July 29, 2022

From: City of Carpinteria

Message from the Mayor

When we turn the calendar page from July to August in a few days, we will be faced with the close of our summer season. Carpinteria schools will be back in session on Aug. 22, and our visitor season will begin to wind down.

It’s been a fantastic summer in Carpinteria, one in which we’ve held our traditional Independence Day parade, returned to performances at the Alcazar Theater, enjoyed live music at the Arts Center and patronized our bustling downtown shops and restaurants.

As summer break draws to an end, it brings the culmination of summer programming for our children. This week we celebrated the close of the new Carp Connect Summer Wellness Program for Teens, which provided youth a healthy, positive outlet for the summer. One part of the program, a cooking class held at the Veteran’s Building, was aimed at giving participating teens an immersive and stress reducing life skills experience. It culminated this week with students preparing and sharing a meal. Our  City provided significant funding for this program because we understand the importance of giving teens opportunities to connect and stay involved. We appreciate the groups that collaborated to launch Carp Connect and make this summer programming possible, including Carpinteria Children’s Project, HopeNet of Carpinteria and Carpinteria Unified School District.  

Connecting is important for us adults, too. At the City, we continue to work closely with local seniors with the shared goal of developing senior programming and possibly even a dedicated senior center. The Latinx Arts Project is another new group dedicated to shining a light on Carpinteria’s history and culture. On Saturday, July 30 at 6 p.m., that group will hold a Mural Art Forum at the Alcazar that will include a short-but-powerful documentary on the history of school segregation in Carpinteria, including interviews with former students, and a panel discussion on muralism.

For many Carpinterians, the close of summer marks the beginning of the best season in Carpinteria. Our beaches become a little less crowded just as the “summeriest” weather of the year arrives. Personally, however, I feel that every season is Carpinteria’s best season!

Stay Well and Stay Safe,

Mayor Wade Nomura

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