
City of Cupertino - Would You Like to Serve on the City of Cupertino Economic Development Committee

Government and Politics

October 8, 2022

From: City of Cupertino

Would You Like to Serve on the City of Cupertino Economic Development Committee?

Do you want to help enhance the business environment in Cupertino? Apply to join the Economic Development Committee by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 10.

The Committee works to market the City in a positive light to attract and retain businesses, foster public and private partnerships through new and existing business and community relationships, collaborate with local businesses to identify and eliminate any barriers to retention or growth, and advise City Council on economic development goals that maintain the quality of life in Cupertino.

The Committee consists of nine members appointed by the Council to overlapping four-year terms, comprised of: (1) two Councilmembers; (2) one representative from each of the following industry sectors - Technology, Retail, Hospitality, Education, and Commercial Real Estate; (3) one member who is currently serving on the Sustainability Commission; and (4) one member who is currently serving on the Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. At least two industry sector representative Committee Members shall be Cupertino residents. City Council will conduct interviews and make appointments in late November, and may also appoint alternates to fill any unscheduled vacancies that may occur during the year. The vacancies are open until full. 

Applications can be submitted via the Online Commission Application at cupertino.org/vacancies.  For more details, please see the website or call the City Clerk's office at (408) 777-3223.