
City Of Diamond Bar Mayor's Corner For November 2022

Government and Politics

November 7, 2022

From: City Of Diamond Bar

Mayor's Corner |  November 2022 Issue


As the holiday season fast approaches, I cannot help but reflect on the incredible year we as a City have created through targeted investments and services for our residents and businesses.  From the excellent condition of the roads we travel, the parks and trails we maintain, and the services we provide to residents every day, it is a privilege to call Diamond Bar home!

On October 19, I had the privilege to provide updates on priority projects during the City’s annual State of the City Address “Investing In Our Future”. I am thrilled to say that we continue to bring forward impactful programs, services, and capital improvement projects made possible by the City Council’s responsible spending plan. I would like to thank my esteemed colleagues for their contributions and support during my year as Diamond Bar Mayor.  If you did not have an opportunity to attend, I would encourage you to watch the video recording on the City's YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/wLB0THSQfNo.

To start the holiday cheer, we will be holding our first Windmill Lighting event on Sunday, December 4 from 5-6 p.m. The event, which is co-sponsored by the Diamond Bar Community Foundation, will be held in the Diamond Bar Town Center (Walmart Market) parking lot at the corner of Diamond Bar Boulevard and Grand Avenue adjacent to the historic windmill. I also encourage you to shop and support our local businesses during this holiday season!

Lastly, don’t forget to join us on Saturday, December 10from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pantera Park (738 Pantera Drive) for the City’s annual Winter Snow Fest and Craft Fair. This festive, winter-themed event will feature 100 tons of snow on 4 snow-packed sledding hills, snow play areas, games and activities for children, giveaways, food and a special appearance by “Flurry”, the sledding penguin! Please visit the dedicated webpage for event offerings at https://www.diamondbarca.gov/707/Winter-Snow-Fest-and-Craft-Fair.

On behalf of the Diamond Bar Council, we wish you a very safe and joyous holiday season!

The City Council welcomes your comments, concerns, or questions. You can reach me or any other Council Member by calling (909) 839-7010 or by using the links to our email addresses located on the City Council Members pages of the City website. We look forward to hearing from you.