
City Of Diamond Bar Mayor's Corner For September 2022

Government and Politics

September 6, 2022

From: City Of Diamond Bar

School Traffic Safety

Summer is winding down and back-to-school season is upon us. As we all get back into our new routine, it’s a great time to be reminded of traffic safety in and around schools. Whether you have kids in school or travel through school zones, it is important to be aware of and take precautions when passing through.

If driving:

- Lower your speed and remain alert for pedestrians – 25 mph is the maximum speed in and around school zones when children are present.

- Watch for andyield to pedestrians in crosswalks and at all intersections – they have the right of way at these locations.

- If a vehicle stops in front of you, slow down and stop. Do not try to go around – it may have stopped for pedestrians.

- Respect and obey directions from Crossing Guards – they are there for the safety of our children.

- Slow down and stay alert for children. If a school bus’s red lights are flashing and/or the stop arm is extended, stop a safe distance away – it means children are getting on or off. Passing a school bus with its red lights flashing is against the law. Drivers who fail to stop are subject to a moving violation, which can result in fines and/or jail time.

- Parents/guardians, know and follow the specific drop-off and pick-up procedures established by your child’s school.

If walking or biking:

- Cross the street only at signalized or marked crosswalks, and always look left, right, and then left again, to check for traffic in all directions before stepping off the curb. Keep looking for cars as you cross the street.

- Always make eye contact with drivers to make sure they can see you before crossing in front of them.

- Eliminate opportunities for distraction such as the use of cell phones, handheld games, or music devices.

- Watch for cars backing out of parking spaces, or entering or exiting driveways – and, never dart out in front of a parked car.

I wish all families with children a year full of learning and academic success. Let’s all do our part to keep those in and around school zones safe!

The City Council welcomes your comments, concerns, or questions. You can reach me or any other Council Member by calling (909) 839-7010 or by using the links to our email addresses located on the City Council Members pages of the City website. We look forward to hearing from you.