
City of Goleta News : Learn About New Energy Efficient Building Codes at February 21 Workshop

Government and Politics

February 15, 2023

From: City of Goleta

In an effort to move Goleta into a more energy efficient future, the City has joined Carpinteria and the County of Santa Barbara in drafting a regional Reach Code. A Reach Code is a Building Code that has higher energy standards than the state of California (as in it “reaches” beyond state requirements), and will apply to new buildings in Goleta. This means that new construction will have more electric appliances and phase out reliance on natural gas.

The community is invited to a virtual public workshop this Tuesday, February 21 at 1:00 p.m. The workshop will cover key features of the proposed reach codes, information on grid reliability and cost-effectiveness, and how all-electric new buildings help Goleta achieve climate action goals. It will also cover health, comfort, and efficiency benefits from electric appliances (heat pumps, electric stoves tops, and more), and available rebates and incentives for appliances to make your home more energy efficient.

Come and be part of this important energy conversation!

Please register here to RSVP and receive a meeting invitation link.