
City Of Hot Springs News Fireworks Prohibited Inside City Limits

Government and Politics

June 29, 2022

From: City Of Hot Springs

The Hot Springs Fire Department (HSFD) wants to remind residents and guests of Hot Springs that the use of fireworks is prohibited inside the city limits. According to Hot Springs City Ordinance 15-7-3.1, anyone found in violation could be fined up to $500.

The City of Hot Springs allows commercial fireworks displays, which must follow strict state guidelines and permitting.

Independence Day celebrations occurring near Hot Springs, permitted through the Arkansas State Fire Marshal’s Office and documented with the HSFD, include the following:

July 3 – Fireworks display on Lake Hamilton will begin at dark near 4903 Central Avenue, Hot Springs (fireworks will be shot from a barge on Lake Hamilton near the first causeway); in case of rain, fireworks will be rescheduled for the evening of July 4

July 4 – 4th Annual Royal Blast Fireworks Show, gates open at 4 p.m. behind the Sunshine Store at 3719 Sunshine Road, Royal

For those outside of the city limits who shoot fireworks, it is advised to follow these important safety tips from the National Fire Protection Agency:

Observe local laws.

Read and follow all warnings and instructions on each item.
Never allow children to play with or ignite fireworks. Even sparklers burn at very high temperatures and can ignite clothing.

Before lighting fireworks, make sure spectators are out of range.

Only light fireworks on a smooth, flat surface away from houses and other building structures; make sure the firing areas are also free of dry leaves and other flammable materials.

Do not relight failed fireworks. Instead, douse them with water and throw them away.

Keep a water source nearby in case a firework malfunctions or there is a fire.

Unused fireworks need to be kept away from firing areas.

Never place any portion of your body directly over a lit firework.