
City of Irvine Community Link Newsletter - October 14, 2022

Government and Politics

October 17, 2022

From: City of Irvine

Welcome to the Community Link Newsletter

Our weekly newsletter aims to keep residents and businesses connected to us and all that is going on in and throughout the City. You can connect with us and learn more about our community, cultural events and celebrations, and news of interest by reading this newsletter, visiting our website at cityofirvine.org, and following us on our social media channels listed at the bottom of this email. We look forward to connecting with you. 

Irvine Remains Safest City 

Irvine is the Safest City of its size for Part I violent crime, when compared to FBI data just released for calendar year 2021.

In comparison to information released last week by the FBI, Irvine has the lowest per capita violent crime rate of any city in the nation with a population of 250,000 or more. This is the 17th consecutive year Irvine has had the lowest per capita violent crime rate for its size.

We thank the men and women of the Irvine Police Department for all they do to keep our community safe. Read the press release to learn more.

EPA Award Presented at Great Park

On Wednesday, October 12, Great Park was recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for excellence in site reuse.

Representatives from the EPA, U.S. Navy, California Department of Toxic Substances Control, and the City of Irvine came together at Great Park for the presentation of the EPA's 2022 National Federal Facility Excellence in Site Reuse Award

The award highlights the extensive cleanup efforts that ensued following the former Marine Corps Air Station El Toro's decommission and closure as an active base in 1999. The project’s approach demonstrates how successful partnerships among public and private entities, local governments, and communities can facilitate the transformation of former military facilities with environmental issues into community assets.

Learn more about Great Park at yourgreatpark.org.

South Yale Corridor Improvements Project Community Workshop

The City has launched the South Yale Corridor Improvements Project to evaluate how Yale Avenue between the 405 Freeway and University Drive can better serve the community, including broadened opportunities for bicycling.

We want to hear what you think! Please provide your feedback by:

-Attending a community workshop, Saturday, October 22. Drop in any time between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at University Community Center. 

-Taking a brief survey at cityofirvine.org/sharestheway.

You can also learn more about the project at cityofirvine.org/sharestheway.

Help Determine the Next Neighborhood for One Irvine

The One Irvine program was successful in its first neighborhood last year, and now we are ready to launch the program again! If your home was built in or before 1975, help us select the next neighborhood for the revitalization program by taking a brief survey and providing your feedback.

Visit cityofirvine.org/oneirvine to learn more and take the survey before it closes Friday, October 21.

Take Our Budget Survey

Do you live or work in Irvine? If so, the City of Irvine invites you to take a brief survey to help identify priorities for the Fiscal Year 2023-25 budget.

The budget survey is one of many tools that will be used to engage residents around the bi-annual budget and help shape our City’s financial plan. Information collected during this survey will not be shared or given to any third parties.

Please take the survey and share it with your family, friends, and neighbors before it closes on Friday, November 11. To learn more about the City's budget, please visit cityofirvine.org/budget.

Upcoming Fair Housing Workshop

The Fair Housing Foundation will hold a free Fair Housing Workshop Wednesday, October 26, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at Lakeview Senior Center. The workshop will provide information on a variety of topics including:

-Federal and State Fair Housing Laws

-Evictions process

-Rent increases

-Housing discrimination

This workshop is intended for tenants, landlords, property managers, and other interested parties, and will have a focus on senior renters.

Learn more and register

Celebrate Family History Month

Family History Month is celebrated every October. It is an opportunity to enhance your genealogy abilities, learn about new resources, and meet people who share your interest in the past. The Orange County Public Libraries offer resources online to help you explore your family history, and the Irvine Historical Museum offers a library and photo collection of local historic information.

Learn more about the observances and celebrations of our diverse community at cityofirvine.org/deispotlight.