
City of Irvine News - City of Irvine Wins 2022 Digital Cities Survey Award from Center for Digital Government

Government and Politics

December 14, 2022

From: City of Irvine

City of Irvine Wins 2022 Digital Cities Survey Award from Center for Digital Government
Honorees elevated their municipalities’ resilience, while bolstering services and prioritizing engagement with their residents.

The City of Irvine received a 2022 Digital Cities Survey award from the Center for Digital Government, a national research and advisory institute focused on technology policy and best practices in state and local government.

Irvine ranked seventh place in the 250,000–499,999 population category for continuing to invest in cybersecurity and broadband. Specifically, Irvine was recognized for the following:

- Conducting internal routine cybersecurity training for all employees and requiring the use of multi-factor authentication. Irvine’s IT division implemented endpoint detection and response (EDR) on all City endpoints — which allows security analysts to prioritize security alerts effectively, gain insight into the full scope of a data breach, and take the appropriate response actions to rectify threats.

- Continuing to invest in its Transparency Portal, providing residents with up-to-date information on development and capital improvement projects, budget and finance news, City contracts, and more, as well as offering residents and businesses easier ways to pay invoices online.

- Its prioritization of the delivery of fast and reliable internet to its residents by committing up to $14 million to support all future broadband initiatives. Once complete, the City will have mapped out which areas of fiber in the City need to be replaced to help build a foundation for future connectivity and smart city initiatives.

“Our City’s commitment to excellence and inclusivity in broadband are once again recognized through this prestigious award,” said Mayor Farrah N. Khan. “Through these efforts, we are on our way to developing a fiber master plan that will outline future infrastructure projects and provide reliable internet to all residents of Irvine.”

The City joined all top-10 ranking cities with a population of 250,000 – 499,999 at the Digital Cities Awards and Workshop event November 17, 2022.

Learn more about Irvine’s 2022 Digital Cities Survey award and view a full list of winners here.