
City of Llano News - September 15, 2022

Government and Politics

September 16, 2022

From: City of Llano

The More You Know...
In order for your Council to discuss a topic as a group, the topic must appear as an item on the Council’s agenda to be discussed in an open meeting before interested citizens.  The Council listens to citizen’s comments on non-agenda items during the comment section of the meeting, however, they are unable to act on any comment as it is not on the agenda.  There are items on an agenda that are more of a housekeeping nature and those items are typically found under the consent agenda items.  Also, there are those few exceptions that are reserved for executive session discussion.  There is a wealth of information available to you in the Open Meetings Handbook 2022 at the Attorney General’s website at:   https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/files/divisions/open-government/openmeetings_hb.pdf.

Most importantly, your Council values your input on agenda topics.  

A council member may or may not have an opinion on an agenda item coming into a meeting.  The discussion that happens as a group and any comments from interested citizens on that topic all contribute to the final decision-making process by each individual council member which is then acted upon during the voting process.  You will notice on the agenda item that it states discuss and consider and take action.  

Looking forward to seeing you, and maybe even hearing from you, at the next meeting.