
City Of Lomita Housing Element Update

Government and Politics

August 10, 2022

From: City Of Lomita

On December 21, 2021, the City Council adopted the Housing Element for the next eight-year planning period (2021-2029), as required by state law.  On January 11, 2022, the adopted Housing Element was submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for a mandatory 60-day review. On March 11, 2022, the City received a letter from HCD with comments and has since revised the Housing Element to be responsive. 

Please visit the City of Lomita’s website at https://lomitacity.com/general-plan/ to view the Revised Final Housing Element (August 2022) with tracked changes in response to the HCD Comment Letter.  These changes will be submitted to HCD on August 15, 2022.

The City greatly appreciates the community’s continued participation and engagement in this challenging and unprecedented update process.  As Lomita is required per the State of California to plan for a significant increase in housing and population, there is a strong commitment to promote new in-fill developments that support community-serving businesses and a variety of housing types.  The City’s Housing Element acknowledges the need for policies and programs that provide for the growth of the community with purpose.

With limited opportunities on vacant sites, in order for the City to meet State planning requirements a strategy is being proposed that targets smart growth and development.  This Housing Element establishes infill of lower density development within our existing neighborhoods and identifies areas along Narbonne Avenue and Lomita Boulevard for carefully planned higher density mixed-use and residential development.  As identified in the Housing Element, the City must plan for over 829 new housing units with targets identified by income level. 

The State of California requires the Housing Element to affirmatively further affordable housing opportunities, induce affordable housing through density bonuses and accessory dwelling units, limit land use authority to deny affordable projects or impose conditional use permit requirements on multifamily housing and prohibits down zoning or imposition of development standards that prevent attainment of Housing Element goals.

As the City looks to the future, a comprehensive General Plan update is anticipated to begin in 2024 to create a shared vision and strategic plan.  A lot has changed since the last General Plan update in 1998.  The General Plan update process will seek the community’s updated vision of how to accommodate growth in a manner that improves the quality of life, achieves economic prosperity, promotes positive changes for public health and sustainability and protects what is unique and special about Lomita.

Please use this form to provide comments and sign up for emails on the General Plan.