
City of Marina News Annual Impact Fee Report 2021-2022

Government and Politics

November 23, 2022

From: City of Marina

Annual Impact Fee Report 2021-2022

Annual Impact Fee Report

For the City of Marina

For Fiscal Year 2021-22

This report contains information on the City of Marina’s development impact fees for Fiscal Year 2021-22. This information is presented to comply with the annual reporting requirements contained in Government Code section 66000 et seq. Please note that this annual report is not a budget document, but rather is compiled to meet reporting requirements. It is not intended to represent a full picture of currently planned projects as it only reports project information, revenues and expenditures for Fiscal Year 2021-22.

Government Code Section 66006 requires local agencies to submit annual and five-year reports detailing the status of development impact fees. The annual report must be made available to the public within 180 days after the last day of the fiscal year and must be presented to the public agency (City Council) no less than 15 days after it is made available to the public.

This report summarizes the following annual reporting information for each of the development impact fee programs:

A brief description of the fee program.

Schedule of fees.

Beginning and ending balances of the fee program.

Amount of fees collected, interest earned, and transfers/loans.

An identification of each public improvement on which fees were expended and the amount of the expenditures on each improvement, including the total percentage of the cost of the public improvement that was funded with fees.

A description of each interfund transfer or loan, the date the loan will be repaid, the rate of interest, and a description of the public improvement on which the transferred or loaned fees will be expended.

The estimated date when projects will begin if sufficient revenues are available to construct the project.

The amount of refunds made to property owners.

More detailed information on certain elements of the various fee programs is available through other documents such as nexus studies, master plans, the capital improvement program, and budgets.

Annual Impact Fee Report 2021-2022

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