
City of Marina News - Marina Housing Element Update Virtual Public Workshop!

Government and Politics

October 28, 2022

From: City of Marina

Marina Housing Element Update Virtual Public Workshop!

Join us for a virtual public workshop on Wednesday, November 9 from 6:30 - 8 p.m. to learn what goes into a Housing Element and how you can help shape the future of Marina. We will give an overview of:

- Planning for housing in Marina

- State requirements for the Housing Element

- The Housing Element update process and timeline

- How you can stay involved and give input

We want to hear from you to help plan for future housing needs! How to get involved and get more information:

Email: [email protected] 

Website: https://cityofmarina.org/1186/6th-Cycle-Housing-Element-Update

+1 669 900 9128, Meeting ID # 870 7763 7997