
City of Northville A weekly eNewsletter for the community - November 17, 2022

Government and Politics

November 18, 2022

From: City of Northville

City offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 24 and 25 in observance of Thanksgiving.

Next week's City News will come out on Friday, Nov. 25

Agendas and minutes are available by clicking here

City Council (note location)- Monday, Nov. 21, 7 p.m. - Community Center, 303 W. Main or via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85125198598 or 1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 Webinar ID: 851 2519 8598

Anyone needing assistance should contact the City Manager's office at 248-449-9905. More information about online meetings and a user guide are available here.

This Just In

City Council to review mixed-use development at the Downs

The Downs PUD submitted by Hunter Pasteur Northville be on the agenda at City Council’s meeting on Monday, Nov. 21, which begins at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Community Center to accommodate a larger audience and it will also be available to watch live online. Updates about this agenda item will be posted to social media and will be on the city website.

Photo: Preliminary site plan of Downs PUD by Hunter Pasteur Northville.

Design team focuses on “what’s next” for Downtown Northville

The downtown street closures on Main and Center are in the spotlight as design firm Grissim, Metz and Andriese (GMA) examines the current assets and conditions and considers ‘what could be’ in terms of an iconic social district entrance; a rejuvenated public space; and new activities and amenities.

The Downtown Development Authority’s goal is to create an environment that is active and interesting with a sense of community, and is beautiful and compatible with Northville’s historic downtown. It will become a so-called “third place” where friends, families and guests can gather, in addition to home and work or school. Restaurants and retailers will be able to optimize their business offerings through unique outdoor settings on an expanded footprint. The plan will minimize the impact of weather on the outdoor experience and provide a safe, clean place to gather. The structures and fixtures will be able to be moved or  removed if placemaking plans change.

Key to the transition are details such as lighting, activating the pavement to make it more like a promenade, removing traffic signage, and making the area more accessible to people with disabilities. GMA will share information with traffic engineering consultant, Fleis & Vandenbrink, which is addressing the impact of rerouted traffic on residential areas and non-arterial roads (those that provide local access, such as Northville Road and 7 Mile, but aren’t neighborhood streets.)

The main entrance to the social district, at Main and Center, will reflect the “timeless with a twist” theme for Downtown Northville by establishing a sense of place that is magical yet authentic. It could also provide branding opportunities for the city and businesses.

GMA is working with the DDA’s Economic Development Committee, also known as the advisory committee, to address the design, management and operational issues associated with the creation of the permanent pedestrian area. When the project is complete, GMA will provide a conceptual plan with phasing and cost estimates. This initial project cost was shared by the DDA and city of Northville.

The Historic District Commission (HDC) is involved in the project since the street structures could become semi-permanent fixtures. Those include the DDA-owned booths for visitors and vendors, and restaurant-owned sidewalls and arched plexiglass roofs. Only one merchant, Dancing Eye Gallery, has an outdoor “greenhouse” for displaying merchandise but other retailers may follow suit. The HDC appointed a subcommittee to be involved with the project and attend meetings of the DDA advisory team and GMA.

The Sustainability Committee also has an interest in this project and many members have attended those meetings. The next one is at 8 a.m. on Nov. 29.  The design consultant and traffic consultant teams (GMA and Fleis & Vandenbrink) will hold a joint workshop on Dec.  7 to make presentations, gather public comment and take a walking tour of the downtown street closures. (Watch City News and the city and DDA website for details.)

How can the community get involved with the GMA design recommendations? “We’re inviting anyone who is interested to attend the meetings and share your thoughts and ideas,” said DDA Director Lori Ward.

At the Nov. 2 meeting, GMA spoke about the history of street closures in various cities nationwide. The first downtown street closure, in Kalamazoo, Mi., began in the 1960s but ended in the ‘80s, when indoor malls became popular and populations moved from cities to suburbs. Outdoor plazas that have succeeded in Boulder, Co.; Burlington, Vt.; and Charlottesville, Va.; are adjacent to destinations such as a university, beach, and public attractions, and have a large population living nearby. View the GMA presentation here.

If things go according to plan, the DDA will use the design solution generated by GMA to solicit bids for the identified projects for a Spring 2023 installation/construction season.

Above – Outdoor dining on the streets is a popular draw to Downtown Northville. Below – Theresa Schierloh, owner of Dancing Eye Gallery, is shown in the retailer’s greenhouse on N. Center. // Cornhole and other games are often played in the street.
File photos by Liz Cezat.

glass ceiling 

Support our community though volunteering

The city of Northville is accepting applications for qualified volunteers to serve on the Board of Review and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority.   

The application is available on the city website.

To be considered, applications must be submitted by Nov. 28. After that deadline, the city clerk will contact applicants to schedule interviews with the City Council Board and Commission Selection Committee, comprised of Mayor Brian Turnbull and Mayor Pro Tem Barbara Moroski-Browne. All applications will be kept on file for future consideration.

The Board of Review is the public body that reviews the assessment roll on behalf of Northville residents. Applicants must be a two-year resident and a qualified elector in the city of Northville. Meetings are held in March (multiple sessions with the first session on the Tuesday following the second Monday), July, and December. More information about the Board of Review is available on the  city website or contact the Assessor.

The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority meets as needed to consider requests by developers to establish Brownfield projects to fund environmental cleanup and other eligible activities. Applicants must be a resident and qualified elector of the city of Northville.  Residents with expertise in environmental, economic development, real estate, finance, and legal matters would be complementary to this board. More information is available on the city website or contact City Manager Pat Sullivan.

Photo: Glass ceiling by Daniel Watson from Pexels

Northvillians and friends,

Northville’s Holiday Parade has been a tradition worth looking forward to through the years. Before providing some history on the parade, I wanted to share that Northville recently received national media attention on the game show JEOPARDY! with this clue: “Northville is west of downtown, Southfield is north and this city's South side (as sung by the band Journey) doesn’t really exist.” Answer: What is Detroit?

During Veterans Day activities, I had an opportunity to spend time at the VFW Post and the American Legion, along with other events that included a gathering at Allen Terrace, the city-owned senior housing center.

It was truly a privilege to honor our local military heroes whose images (close to 250) appear on banners throughout the town. I encourage you to view some of these heroes as you watch the lighted parade this Saturday night. Link to parade map.

View the entire letter here or on the city website.

Keep that Northville patriotic faith!

Brian Turnbull
Mayor, Northville

Things to do

Doing Business

Tax & Assessing data lookup

You may retrieve tax and assessing data from the city website. If you have any questions, call the Tax and Assessing office at 248-449-9901.

Sign up for automatic utility bill payment or e-bills

Utility bill customers may sign up to receive email bills or arrange for automatic payment by completing the online form. E-bills are emailed on the billing date with a full-page bill attached as a PDF. Payments can be made by ACH, which is an electronic transaction agreed to by the customer that allows the city’s bank to withdraw the amount due from the customer's bank account. For questions, call 248-449-9901.

Around Town

Overnight parking  

Street parking is prohibited from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. The City of Northville provides overnight parking permits for $120 per year ($10 per month). Each of the downtown parking lots have spaces identified for overnight parking. If you need to temporarily park on the street overnight in a residential area, contact the Police Dept. at 248-305-2790 before 12 a.m. to obtain a waiver.

It’s time for cemetery blankets and wreaths

Winter grave blankets and wreaths are permitted Nov. 15 to March 1. At that time, these holiday items will need to be removed by the owner if they want to keep them. Otherwise, the maintenance staff will dispose of them. During the holidays, many people place items such as pumpkins, Christmas trees, and other holiday decorations on or near grave sites. Any of these items that are unsightly or interfere with normal cemetery maintenance will be removed.

Drive safely and watch out for pedestrians and bicyclists

The social district has drawn more people to Downtown Northville, especially on weekends and evenings. With this expanded outdoor area, please stay alert at the intersections of Main and Center and Center and Dunlap where people may be existing or entering the district.

Also, when driving through City streets that have bicycle lanes, be aware of cyclists and give them the courtesy of yielding so they can cross the road if you can safely do so. The police and EMTs strongly encourage cyclists to wear helmets and have visible lights and reflectors on their bikes.

At Home

Leaf collection

The next leaf pickup is Nov. 28 for residents south of 8 Mile. For residents north of 8 Mile, the next leaf pickup is Dec. 5. Residents can rake leaves into the street the weekend before their scheduled pick-up. Please do not include grass or twigs in the leaf piles, and do not rake leaves into a ditch.

Tree permits required

Prior to cutting down any tree with a diameter of more than six inches, you must make an application with the city, which will then determine whether a permit is required. Contact the Building Dept. by phone: 248-449-9902 or email. This ordinance is strongly enforced and there are associated fines. Learn more on the city website. 

Practice home safety when you’re away on vacation

Northville residents who are planning a vacation or extended stay away from their homes can take precautions to ensure their home is safe and secure while they are away. Notify the Northville Police Dept. of your vacation plans if you would like extra patrols around your home. You will need to complete a form (online or in person) that asks for contact information, the time period you will be away, who has access to your home, and a few other questions.

If you use an app to set or adjust your home’s electronics and utilities, make sure you have notified a responsible person (neighbor, friend, family member) who can get into your home should any of those systems fail while you’re away. If you are having packages delivered while you’re gone, make sure they’re not sitting outside your front door for any period of time. There are now lockers for rent at Northville Square and other services that will accept and store your packages until you can retrieve them.  

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If you have comments or requests for specific news items, please e-mail Liz Cezat, communications manager, at [email protected].